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Hoy a las 13:44 Maxxis: Tengo que probarlo, difícil ir "rápido" con este coche jeje
Ayer a las 15:42 GreatSpirit: De nada makinas, espero que os guste el set N1
Ayer a las 14:21 Marcos Z.: Gracias Great!
Ayer a las 13:15 Rayden: Gracias spirit =)
08/10/24 20:46 GreatSpirit: Os dejo un set para la nueva carrera, esta en desarrollo pero bueno, siempre viene bien probar, tire del inicio del de mitsu por no empezar de cero, 1:12:80, supongo que se podrá mejorar muchísimo, sobre todo en manos expertas sisi1
08/10/24 07:43 tangovalens: Please read: Enlace
07/10/24 22:10 georacing: How do i join ?
05/10/24 19:56 mitsumeku: Gracias
04/10/24 22:46 GreatSpirit: Dejo un par de set a los makinas para el MRT Grin, no me ha dado tiempo a trastear mucho más y creo que ya he topado con mi nivel y realidad de mejora sisi1
04/10/24 16:45 JMiquel: Veo complicada esta.Al mínimo error el coche se pone a dar volteretas elrisas
03/10/24 11:28 JMiquel: Te creo Cheesy
03/10/24 08:24 njoan: No te creas, te faltará tiempo, no veas como se llena la agenda
02/10/24 23:00 JMiquel: Esperaré a ser como njoan, a ver si con mas tiempo libre, me da para apuntarme a las clases o al menos entrenar Grin
02/10/24 22:50 tangovalens: elrisas llévese 3 y pague 3
02/10/24 06:53 Marcos Z.: Economía de escala en estado puro Grin
02/10/24 00:32 Maxxis: Setup para el MRT subido y tuto vuelta Enlace
01/10/24 23:29 Maxxis: Doy clases a 20€ la hora, resultados garantizados. 1 clase 20€, 2 clases 40€ , 3 clases 60€ oferta especial
01/10/24 22:39 JMiquel: Noooo, Mitsu, el setup iba bien, hice pb, lo que falla es el piloto Cheesy
01/10/24 19:53 mitsumeku: Gracias de todos modos, y perdón ayer por el setup, no te fue muy bien parece Sad
01/10/24 19:51 mitsumeku: Era para ponerle nombre en la imagen de los resultados, pero lo dejé como we3x
01/10/24 19:39 JMiquel: El nombre del layout es North RGE_safer ...
01/10/24 19:22 mitsumeku: El circuito de ayer tiene algún nombre concreto?
30/09/24 22:01 NeoN: No estás registrado para esta carrera: Enlace
30/09/24 22:00 murtagh: Estoy registerado e iba 5 ; Xq me echan ?
30/09/24 21:33 NeoN: Set de carrera para el Dorito subido
28/09/24 15:05 NeoN: Lo cambio, esta carrera si tiene parada
28/09/24 13:57 Maxxis: No hay parada en box obligatoria por lo que veo
28/09/24 12:34 NeoN: Set subido para el dorito
28/09/24 00:33 Maxxis: Tuto vuelta Enlace
27/09/24 13:40 Maxxis: Y las R2 seguramente aguanten para carrera
27/09/24 13:40 JMiquel: Vaya, o sea que Papator es un paquetillo? Yo que ya me veía inscrito con una vuelta...
27/09/24 13:40 Maxxis: Aunque no va del todo mal el set default, creo que tocando aero para la recta gigante y dos cositas ya iría fino
27/09/24 13:37 Maxxis: Yo hice un 2.16 probando un par de vueltas, supongo que con setup se puede llegar al 2:14 - 2:13
27/09/24 13:24 mitsumeku: Yo hice un 2:15... no me sorprendería que los rápidos lo bajaran de 2 a 5 segundos. Intentad bajar del 2:20
27/09/24 12:25 JMiquel: Bueno, yo ya me apaño con un set de KY0 Cheesy
26/09/24 22:26 JMiquel: Venga, decidiros ya y poned algun set Grin
25/09/24 22:14 Marcos Z.: Ná, tampoco es pa tanto Angry Angry :adoro:
25/09/24 21:16 loopingz: Donald Cheesy
25/09/24 10:37 Mito21: Toma, Marcos, vete calentando ... Enlace
24/09/24 14:54 Marcos Z.: Déjate de Verstappen y ve preparando el reportaje de tu quedada en nurburing, CABRÓN!!
24/09/24 13:10 Mito21: Enlace
24/09/24 10:30 Marcos Z.: Qué buena presentación elrisas elrisas. Yo pensabe que era el tío Gilito el que tenía mala leche.
24/09/24 06:53 System01.54: Donald, the password is always on the sign up page
23/09/24 23:38 LAiO: Jajajajajajaj ; Se ha quedado agusto el pato ; :roto2:
23/09/24 22:04 Donald: What is the fucking password to the fucking fuck server
22/09/24 21:57 Maxxis: Uff, no me motiva nada este cuesta mucho ir rápido / por el sitio
22/09/24 17:38 JMiquel: Maxxis, espabila, Njoan,dale un poco más Grin Grin
21/09/24 20:20 GreatSpirit: Mucho mejor tu segundo set Tangovalens, ya baje al 31,9 con el y mantengo los 32 bajos constantes :adoro:
21/09/24 14:18 GreatSpirit: Eso es fácil Orma, total, solo lo pueden mejorar como diría Fernando Simón a lo mucho 2 o 3 personas sisi1
21/09/24 13:54 orma: Dejo otro set para Pochette 642, "agradecería no mejorar mi tiempo"
21/09/24 10:07 fer69: Jajajaj tal cual tango¡
20/09/24 19:04 GreatSpirit: Lo importante es no hacer la del borracho de la arbolada que veo que tampoco es muy difícil volcar este coche
20/09/24 18:56 Marcos Z.: Mito, cabrón elrisas elrisas ; Yo he probado el de tango y great. He hecho un, reventaré el motor Angry
20/09/24 18:52 GreatSpirit: Claro, yo probé el lalala y luego me puse a trastear un rato, me queda por probar el que parece que tanto le ha gustado a los makinas N1
20/09/24 18:47 tangovalens: Si, puse el primero por si no me daba tiempo a más, que alguien continuara como has hecho tú 👍
20/09/24 17:41 GreatSpirit: Anda es que tienes 2 sets tangovalens, yo probé el primero que subiste
20/09/24 15:47 tangovalens: N1
20/09/24 15:41 GreatSpirit: Ahora os dejo un set que me pareció un poco más estable que el de tangovalens y baje casi 1 segundo
20/09/24 15:38 mitsumeku: Mu bueno, lo recomiendo :adoro:
20/09/24 15:31 tangovalens: Fer69 utilizó el tangoset y ya está tercero en la clasificación. ¿y tú, ya tienes tu tangoset? Disponible en tu web de confianza sisi1
20/09/24 15:11 LAiO: Maxxis, y la tutovielta??? ; Jjajajaj
20/09/24 09:10 njoan: Gran trabajo "Tango-Milagros"
20/09/24 07:04 tangovalens: Ahí va uno mejorado Grin
19/09/24 19:14 GreatSpirit: Esta genial tangovalens, en mi primera vuelta con tu set hice un 33.7 N1
19/09/24 18:22 tangovalens: Ès muuuy basico y aun no he logrado estabilizar la rotación, se sigue yendo de atrás
19/09/24 15:14 GreatSpirit: Que chulada de coche y que recuerdos del nfs porsche, gracias por el set tangovalens, luego cuando se pase la tormenta lo probaré
19/09/24 14:13 JMiquel: Maxxis, si haces Maxxivuelta, que no sea en el server de quali Grin
19/09/24 11:37 Maxxis: Cheesy Cheesy
19/09/24 07:41 tangovalens: Dejo ahí un set cutre para la próxima combi
11/09/24 19:42 mitsumeku: A ésta me da la sensación de que es una huida constante de la muerte :roto2: :adoro:
11/09/24 18:03 ATOMIK: Maxxivueltas
11/09/24 18:03 ATOMIK: A este ritmo las tutovueltas van a evolucionar a maxxivieltas😂👌 Palomita
11/09/24 14:57 Maxxis: La vuelta es con setup de FE3 de Neon, se puede mejorar el tiempo ya que hay zonas en las que el coche no va muy bien
11/09/24 00:54 Maxxis: Tuto lap Enlace
10/09/24 22:44 Marcos Z.: Que rico Mito "21" Lenguita
10/09/24 13:02 Mito21: Joder, salgo guapisimo, hasta se me marca el paquete bien Lenguita
10/09/24 12:57 NeoN: En el server debe estar guardada la repe
10/09/24 12:55 mitsumeku: [X] hoy a las 12:54 mitsumeku: Esto es lo único que hay Enlace
10/09/24 12:54 mitsumeku: Esto es lo único que hay :roto2:
10/09/24 12:34 Mito21: Quiero foto del podio de la segunda pachanga de ayer para enmarcar en casa Palomita
10/09/24 12:30 mitsumeku: A ver cuanto dura
10/09/24 12:22 njoan: :adoro: :adoro: :adoro:
10/09/24 11:17 NeoN: Cambiado a 30
10/09/24 11:10 njoan: 39 laps, es maas de una oreja de carrerra Roll Eyes?
10/09/24 08:29 Marcos Z.: Hoy no hay foto de la race de ayer?? elrisas elrisas elrisas
10/09/24 03:47 orma: Gracias
09/09/24 22:40 mitsumeku: En la pagina de inscripcion al lado del nombre del servidor ; Try rejoin now
09/09/24 22:12 orma: Cual es la contraseña?
09/09/24 22:10 tyblu: Se ha perdido la conexion
09/09/24 22:10 johneysvk: DDoS
09/09/24 22:09 Mito21: No entro al server
09/09/24 20:28 johneysvk: RIP server
09/09/24 20:06 ATOMIK: Estan fallando mucho
09/09/24 16:22 fer69: Al final me ha cogido el tiempo , pero se caen los servers que da gusto....a ver esta noche..
09/09/24 12:48 menjacocs: Graciasss
09/09/24 12:16 NeoN: Hecho
09/09/24 12:08 NeoN: Voy a iniciar el insim de calificación en el servidor normal, ya que sino va a ser un problema
09/09/24 12:07 menjacocs: Servers caídos de nuevo
09/09/24 00:21 NeoN: Acabo de subir set para el IMPREZZIVE ; Y otro para el Dorito
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Since posting messages is basically what forums are all about, we will spend some time looking at the various options and techniques available. Those who are familiar with forum software, HTML or bulletin board code in general may prefer to skip straight to the Bulletin Board Code and Smileys references.

Please note that, because an SMF forum may be customised extensively by its administrator(s), the presence of a feature in this documentation does not necessarily mean that it will be available to all users in all forums.

  1. Posting Basics
    1. Starting a New Topic
    2. Starting a New Poll
    3. Posting an Event to the Calendar
    4. Replying to a Topic or Poll
    5. Quoting a Post
    6. Modifying or Deleting a Post
  2. Standard Posting Options
    1. Message Icon
    2. Bulletin Board Code
    3. Smileys
  3. Tags and Nesting (for beginners)
  4. Additional Options
    1. Notify me of replies.
    2. Return to this topic.
    3. Don't use smileys.
    4. Attachments
  5. References
    1. SMF Bulletin Board Code
    2. SMF Smileys

Posting Basics

Starting a New Topic

Browse to the board where you wish to post and click the New Topic button (positioned by default at both the top and the bottom of the board, as shown in the User Help Introduction), which should take you to the Start new topic screen. While this presents a number of options, the two most important are the Subject field and main Message field (not labeled as such, but obvious by its size). So enter your subject and start to type (or paste) your message into the main text area, noting that a message missing either a subject or a body will not be accepted for posting until it has both. If you're happy with your plain text message, you can then post it by clicking the Post button and/or preview it first by clicking the Preview button, but there are many further options available to make things that little bit more interesting.

+  Forum Name
|- +  Category Name
| |- +  Board Name
| | |- +  Start new topic
Start new topic
Standard Options omitted for clarity and demonstrated below.
Additional Options omitted for clarity and demonstrated below.

shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview

  • Some forums show the navigation tree at the top in a space-saving horizontal mode.
  • Some forums may be configured to offer an additional Spell Check button alongside the Post and Preview options.

Starting a New Poll

A poll is basically a topic with an added question and voting options, started by clicking New Poll instead of New Topic as described above. To post a poll it is necessary to fill out the Question field and at least two of the Option fields in addition to the Subject and Message fields required by a standard topic. Further options to configure how many choices the user may vote for, how long the poll should run, whether users can change their votes and what conditions must be fulfilled for the results to be displayed should be self-explanatory.

To offer more than five choices in a poll, simply click Add Option as many times as necessary.

Note that it may also be possible for some users in some forums to add a poll to an existing topic.

Posting an Event to the Calendar

Where this option has been configured (it's not standard 'out of the box'), you can post an event by selecting Calendar from the main menu followed by Post Event from the calendar screen. What you see now is a Start new topic screen with supplementary fields for the event title, date and target board, which simply add your event to the calendar and create a link back to your post in that board.

Replying to a Topic or Poll

Replying to a topic or poll is basically the same as starting a new topic, but it's not necessary to enter anything in the Subject field unless you wish to change what's already there. To vote in a poll, you simply have to select your chosen option(s) and click Submit Vote.

If 'Quick Reply' has been enabled, a simple reply field will also appear after the post(s) on a page, but you'll have to type your Bulletin Board Code and Smileys manually if you choose to use it.

Quoting a Post

To reply to a post by quoting it, you can either click the Quote button for the relevant post and add your own message to the quoted text or click the Reply button followed by Insert Quote from the relevant post in the 'Topic Summary' below, but note that:

  • Both these options add a link to the original post showing the name of the poster and the date and time of the post, whereas the Bulletin Board Code quote tag simply quotes the relevant post without this additional information.
  • You can also retain or add the 'author' attribute independently of the full Quote function, as demonstrated in the SMF Bulletin Board Code Reference below.

Modifying or Deleting a Post

To modify a post, click the Modify button and make your changes. Note that most forums are likely to be configured to show the date and time of the last edit, but the administrator(s) may also allow a short period to elapse before this happens.

To delete a post, click the Delete button followed by OK from the Remove this message? box that appears. Some forums may also allow you to remove topics or polls that you start, but the buttons for these are usually at the bottom of the page.

Standard Posting Options

Message icon:
BoldItalicizedUnderlineStrikethrough|Glow ShadowMarquee|Preformatted Text Left Align CentredRight Align|Horizontal Rule|Font SizeFont Face
Insert FlashInsert ImageInsert HyperlinkInsert Email Insert FTP Link|Insert TableInsert Table RowInsert Table Column|SuperscriptSubscriptTeletype| Insert CodeInsert Quote|Insert List
Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Angry Sad Shocked Cool Huh Roll Eyes Tongue Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided Kiss Cry

Message Icon

This drop-down menu allows you to change the default icon for the subject line to something matching the mood or purpose of your post.

Bulletin Board Code

Bulletin Board Code (or BBC) is the essential tool for formatting and changing the appearance of your post. While it affects the plain text in much the same way as the formatting tools in any word processor, the main Message field does not behave in a WYSIWYG manner, so you should preview your message if you need to see what it will look like when posted.

A complete SMF Bulletin Board Code Reference is provided below.


While smileys can be viewed as purely whimsical in nature, they can also play a valuable role in clarifying the written word in much the same way as vocal inflections and/or facial expressions clarify the spoken word. Like most forum software, SMF provides a standard range of smiley images which can be added to posts by clicking the relevant icons or typing the relevant codes. A don't use smileys option is naturally also provided for those occasions when you don't want typed character combinations that would normally be displayed as smileys to be converted to the expected images!

A complete SMF Smileys Reference is provided below.

Tags and Nesting (for beginners)

Before listing the available BBC buttons and their purposes, let's see how they work by imagining that we want to post some text in bold type. While we can start by clicking the B (Bold) button and typing our text between the tags it produces, it's often more practical to type the text first, highlight it and then click the button. So typing 'text', highlighting it and clicking the 'B' button should produce '[b]text[/b]', which renders as text when posted or previewed. (NB This doesn't work in Opera, which inserts the tags at the end of the post.) Subsequently highlighting '[b]text[/b]' and clicking the I (Italicized) button will produce '[i][b]text[/b][/i]', which not only renders as text when posted or previewed but also introduces the concept of nesting, which means that each new set of tags in a case like this should be seen as a new 'box' containing both the original text and any tags already applied to it.

Note that the BBC tags can also be typed and edited direct instead of clicking the buttons.

Additional Options

The following options may appear by default in some forums but be contained within an expanding/collapsing panel (try clicking the link with the arrow below!) in others:

+ Additional Options...
 Notify me of replies.
 Return to this topic.
 Don't use smileys.

Allowed file types: txt, jpg, gif, pdf, mpg, png
Maximum attachment size allowed: 128 KB

shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview

Notify me of replies

Check this to subscribe to email notification for the topic.

Return to this topic

Check this to return to the topic (instead of the message index) after posting (NB you can also set this behavior as a preference in your profile).

Don't use smileys

Check this to prevent certain character combinations in your post from being parsed and rendered as smileys.


If enabled, this feature allows you to attach files to your posts in much the same way as most email clients, so you simply have to browse to the relevant file(s) on your computer before clicking Post. You can delete your attachment(s) or add more by modifying your post, but please note that:

  • The permitted file types and sizes are set by the forum administrator(s).
  • Although most forums are likely be configured to display attached images as part of the post, it's not possible to preview attachments so you should always browse to and attach your files just before you finally post your message.


SMF Bulletin Board Code

The buttons shown belong to the SMF default theme and may differ from forum to forum.

Tag Name Button Code Output Comments
Bold Bold [b]bold[/b] bold *
Italicized Italicized [i]italicized[/i] italicized *
Underline Underline [u]underline[/u] underline *
Strikethrough Strikethrough [s]strikethrough[/s] strikethrough *
Glow Glow [glow=red,2,50]glow[/glow]
The three attributes (eg red, 2, 50) in the 'glow' tag are color, strength and width respectively.
Shadow Shadow [shadow=red,left]
The two attributes (eg red, left) in the 'shadow' tag are color and direction respectively.
Marquee Marquee [move]move[/move] move Not valid XHTML, but can also be used for images!
Preformatted Text Preformatted Text [pre]Simple




Preserves critical text formatting, rendered in a monospace font.
Left Align Left Align [left]left align[/left]

left align

Centred Centred [center]Centred[/center]
Right Align Right Align [right]right align[/right]

right align

Right-to-Left * [rtl]right to left![/rtl]
right to left!
Typical usage would be to post Arabic or Hebrew in an English document.
Left-to-Right * [ltr]left to right![/ltr]
left to right!
Typical usage would be to post English in an Arabic or Hebrew document.
Horizontal Rule Horizontal Rule [hr]
Font Size Font Size [size=10pt]font size[/size] font size *
Font Face Font Face [font=Verdana]font face[/font] font face Only fonts installed on the user's computer will be displayed, so use with caution!
Font Colour [color=Red]red[/color] red Select the colour from the drop-down.
Insert Flash Insert Flash [flash=200,200]
http://somesite/somefile.swf Please note that, if embedded Flash has been disabled by the forum administrator(s), the Flash file will appear as a straight hyperlink as shown here. The two attributes in the 'flash' tag (where relevant) are width and height respectively.
Insert Image Insert Image [img]
Type the width and height attributes to resize the image.
[img width=48 height=48]
Insert Hyperlink Insert Hyperlink [url]http://somesite/[/url] http://somesite/ NB the 'url' tag opens in a new window, but you can type 'iurl' tags to open in the same window.
descriptive link
descriptive link
Insert Email Insert Email [email]
someone@somesite *
Insert FTP Link Insert FTP Link [ftp]
ftp://somesite/somefile *
descriptive link
descriptive link
Insert Table Insert Table [table][/table] * No meaningful output from the 'table' tags alone.
Insert Table Row Insert Table Row [table][tr][/tr][/table] * No meaningful output from the 'table' and 'tr' tags alone.
Insert Table Column Insert Table Column [table][tr][td]
Note the correct nesting of the tags, so the 'table' tags contain the 'tr' tags, which each contain an equal number of 'td' tags!
SMF Bulletin
Board Code
Superscript Superscript [sup]superscript[/sup] superscript *
Subscript Subscript [sub]subscript[/sub] subscript *
Teletype Teletype [tt]teletype[/tt] teletype Monospace font.
Insert Code Insert Code [code]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code]
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Always use to preserve formatting of code and avoid parsing as BBC and/or smileys!
Insert Quote Insert Quote [quote]quote[/quote]
Note the optional 'author' attribute.
[quote author=author]quote[/quote]
Quote from: author
Insert List Insert List [list]
[li]YaBB SE[/li]
  • SMF
  • YaBB SE
While you can add as many items as you wish, each item must be contained by the correct opening and closing tags. You can also style your list item bullets with special opening tags and no closing tags, but this option doesn't currently output valid XHTML.
  • circle
  • circle
  • circle
  • disc
  • disc
  • square
  • square
  • square
Abbreviation * [abbr=exemlpi gratia]eg[/abbr] eg Displays the full expression for the abbreviation on mouseover.
Acronym * [acronym=Simple Machines Forum]SMF[/acronym] SMF Displays the full expression for the acronym on mouseover.

SMF Smileys

The smileys shown here are the standard set from the SMF default theme and may differ from forum to forum.

Name Image (click to insert) Code (type to insert)
Smiley :)
Wink ;)
Cheesy :D
Grin ;D
Angry >:(
Sad :(
Shocked :o
Cool 8)
Huh ???
Roll Eyes ::)
Tongue :P
Embarrassed :-[
Lips Sealed :-X
Undecided :-\
Kiss :-*
Cry :'(

Please note that not all of the smiley codes will be correctly parsed and converted to images unless their opening spaces are present.

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