Chat Online drivers
Hoy a las 11:53 Maxxis: Don't worry, these are things that happen in racing. ; I also caused some accidents, it was not my day
Ayer a las 23:32 Donald: I am sorry, Maxxis, for race 1 start. I should have backed out of that onelifted more. It was my error
Ayer a las 23:10 Furribmw: ME LO PASE MUY BIEN .sALUDOS :)
02/11/24 21:46 Furribmw: :roto2:
02/11/24 14:48 Maxxis: Atajo de los buenos eh sisi1
02/11/24 14:36 Marcos Z.: Gracias orma ; Y JMiquel
02/11/24 13:38 njoan: En busca del atajo perdido!!!
02/11/24 13:29 JMiquel: Furri!! No puede ser, dónde está el atajo que no detecta el sim? Shocked
02/11/24 13:26 JMiquel: Gracias! Set para carrera que aguante más de 2 vueltas las delanteras también se agradecería sisi1
02/11/24 12:08 Maxxis: :adoro:
02/11/24 08:56 njoan: Gracias
01/11/24 22:31 mitsumeku: Gracias!
01/11/24 21:28 orma: Dejo set para la combi.
29/10/24 19:48 NeoN: Palomita
28/10/24 21:32 GreatSpirit: Alguien emite luego the wacky races por discord? Palomita
26/10/24 11:13 Maxxis: Pues te juro que más rápido no se ir en este demonio xD
25/10/24 23:13 LAiO: Maxxis, conduces como un abuelete sisi1 :adoro: :adoro: :adoro:
25/10/24 09:17 Marcos Z.: Gracias Maxxis!!!
25/10/24 00:30 Maxxis: La verdad que esta combi es todo un desafío xD
25/10/24 00:29 Maxxis: Tuto vuelta Enlace
24/10/24 22:37 tangovalens: Tela, tela sisi1 no pensaba tocar mucho el set original más allá del freno y ruedas. miraré los que habéis subido a ver qué tal
24/10/24 22:16 Rayden: Tela esta combi jajaja
24/10/24 21:19 Maxxis: :adoro: :adoro: ; Creo que esta noche me pongo y grabo la tuto vuelta Grin
24/10/24 12:16 JMiquel: Subidos Wink
24/10/24 11:35 JMiquel: A mi no me sirven de nada, supongo que a alguno le puede ayudar a poner el listón del 106% un poco más alto XD
24/10/24 11:31 JMiquel: Tengo los sets de dod1slaw. No me dijo que fueran no "compartibles"... Cool
24/10/24 11:24 Mito21: Ahora que Newey está de "gardening leave" igual tienes opciones, Marcos, mándale un email con un audio de esos gemiditos tuyos tan calientes que igual le convences N1
24/10/24 11:13 Maxxis: Que alguien haga un setup :adoro:
23/10/24 21:47 LAiO: La combi pinta a diferencias enormes entre unos y otros, si... ; Por cierto es muy posible que me tenga que esta y de la siguiente Sad
23/10/24 09:18 Marcos Z.: Ayer di unas vueltas, mala toma de contacto. No pasa nada, estoy más motivado que Mcgyver en el Leroy Merlin elrisas
22/10/24 23:00 GreatSpirit: Si, por lo menos hay 2 sets de AS sisi1
22/10/24 21:59 JMiquel: Supongo que estos sets son mejores que el default, no? Enlace
22/10/24 21:59 JMiquel: elrisas ; Supongo que estos sets son mejores que el default, no? Enlace
22/10/24 20:25 njoan: JMiquel, trata de arrancarlooooo!!! ; Solo me faltan 16 vueltas....
22/10/24 19:58 JMiquel: Creo que me voy a tomar un lunes libre Grin
22/10/24 18:53 mitsumeku: Yo le he hquitado unmonton de freno porque ratón, pero lo que ha hecho que vaya menos agobiado es subirle 2 cms la vista en la cabina. Consejo de Njoan que va de lujo ^^
22/10/24 18:48 GreatSpirit: Maxxis ni con tutto virgen, este coche para mi es imposible, ni me voy a molestar en rodar con el 5 minutos
22/10/24 18:17 Maxxis: Tranquilos chicos, la tuto vuelta llegará sisi1
22/10/24 17:45 GreatSpirit: Y acelerar, girar, de todo JMiquel sisi1
22/10/24 17:37 JMiquel: Es una bestia. Hay que saber frenar muy bien, cosa que se me da fatal Roll Eyes Grin
22/10/24 17:18 GreatSpirit: Ofuuuu con el FORMULA RC11, tela telita tela, me da que ni lo voy a probar con el volante
22/10/24 11:05 mitsumeku: Bueno, puede que a la proxima ya salga bien
22/10/24 00:47 mitsumeku: Lo de la velocidad punta en las estadísticas no está bien. No se arreglarlo Sad
21/10/24 21:07 ATOMIK: Set subido
21/10/24 20:40 NeoN: Claro que sí Smiley dale caña!
21/10/24 20:05 HeRRC: Maxxis
21/10/24 20:03 HeRRC: Buenas, me puedo anotar para hoy? tal vez llego... creo que largo de atrás, estoy oxidado y roto, pero puedo intentarlo
19/10/24 20:52 GreatSpirit: No le pillo el aire a estos coches, me van más los "CUTRE SPEC" sisi1
19/10/24 01:19 Maxxis: También subí un setup para el Troeno Wink
19/10/24 01:17 Maxxis: Tuto vuelta Enlace
18/10/24 22:53 GreatSpirit: Muy importante, todos con la demo al principio, este juego lo conoci en su primera versión en la que se saco por mi primo pero que jamás volvi a caer en este juego hasta hace poco
18/10/24 20:51 JMiquel: Enlace
18/10/24 20:51 JMiquel: Pues sí, esos son los que llevo en LFS Cheesy. Mi primera cuenta: Enlace
18/10/24 19:29 GreatSpirit: JMiquel se parte, se puede ser principiante llevando 20 años, no todos tenemos habilidades al volante elrisas
18/10/24 19:02 njoan: Wink
18/10/24 18:57 JMiquel: elrisas
18/10/24 18:54 njoan: Oooh si fuera principiante tendria excusa Grin
18/10/24 17:48 GreatSpirit: Nada Maxxis, siempre viene bien la tutto vuelta para ver donde pulir esas decimas por no decir segundos elrisas que perdemos los principiantes y aprender de los pilotos pro N1
18/10/24 13:01 Maxxis: Gracias ! :adoro:
17/10/24 22:46 GreatSpirit: Buenas makinas, dejo el primer trasteo del TROENO, a 1 decima del 04
15/10/24 23:57 tyblu: Si Marcos Z el Limon resulto mas divertido de lo que parecia
15/10/24 06:43 Marcos Z.: Qué buenos piques tyblu :adoro:
14/10/24 23:36 mitsumeku: Que mala suerte tyblu Sad
14/10/24 23:21 tyblu: Lo siento he perdido la conexion al servidor LFS
14/10/24 17:56 GreatSpirit: Marcos Z asi sales el primero si en la segunda manga es inversa la salida elrisas
14/10/24 17:53 Marcos Z.: Mamones, esta tarde me pongo que voy puesto 20 Shocked Shocked
14/10/24 15:58 Maxxis: Ahora voy Shocked
14/10/24 12:20 JMiquel: Vuelve a darle que ya te han sacado del podio Shocked Smiley
13/10/24 20:54 JMiquel: elrisas
13/10/24 20:54 Maxxis: Era broma todo hombre nuse ; sisi1
13/10/24 20:24 JMiquel: Bueno, vale, eso ya es otra cosa sisi1
13/10/24 19:52 JMiquel: Maxxis, eres demadiado joven para este coche, o te has dejado el freno de mano puesto, No es normal que con 4 vueltas de supere Grin
13/10/24 18:21 GreatSpirit: Esta la cosa complicada Marcos Z, no hay mucha duda en la trazada, parece ser que lo mejor es alargar primera y segunda y dejar tercera solo para el tramo de la recta
13/10/24 17:57 Marcos Z.: Eo eso, tutovuelta. Con este coche, y lo feo que soy que soy, parezco el chofer de la familia Adams..
13/10/24 15:29 GreatSpirit: Eso va a ser cosa de las clases particulares de simracing elrisas sisi1
13/10/24 13:54 Maxxis: Chicos, dónde está el truco? xD ; Que alguien de los que está en 11´s suba una tutovuelta....que yo he subido muchas !! sisi1
12/10/24 12:42 GreatSpirit: Vamos NJoan que ya lo tienes el 11
12/10/24 11:39 GreatSpirit: Orma donde esta la casilla del NOS en el set? vas como un cohete N1 ; De todos modos un logro para mi estar a 5 decimas y no 5 segundos
11/10/24 23:46 njoan: Gracias
11/10/24 22:03 orma: Set para la combi, lemon
10/10/24 16:43 GreatSpirit: Os dejo el mismo set con un pelín acortada 2a y 3a para que tenga menos caída de potencia al cambiar, llega justo en recta de meta al punto de frenado, un par de 1:12:40 y varios 50s, como siempre, me salen los tiempos fuera de Q elrisas
10/10/24 13:44 Maxxis: Tengo que probarlo, difícil ir "rápido" con este coche jeje
09/10/24 15:42 GreatSpirit: De nada makinas, espero que os guste el set N1
09/10/24 14:21 Marcos Z.: Gracias Great!
09/10/24 13:15 Rayden: Gracias spirit =)
08/10/24 20:46 GreatSpirit: Os dejo un set para la nueva carrera, esta en desarrollo pero bueno, siempre viene bien probar, tire del inicio del de mitsu por no empezar de cero, 1:12:80, supongo que se podrá mejorar muchísimo, sobre todo en manos expertas sisi1
08/10/24 07:43 tangovalens: Please read: Enlace
07/10/24 22:10 georacing: How do i join ?
05/10/24 19:56 mitsumeku: Gracias
04/10/24 22:46 GreatSpirit: Dejo un par de set a los makinas para el MRT Grin, no me ha dado tiempo a trastear mucho más y creo que ya he topado con mi nivel y realidad de mejora sisi1
04/10/24 16:45 JMiquel: Veo complicada esta.Al mínimo error el coche se pone a dar volteretas elrisas
03/10/24 11:28 JMiquel: Te creo Cheesy
03/10/24 08:24 njoan: No te creas, te faltará tiempo, no veas como se llena la agenda
02/10/24 23:00 JMiquel: Esperaré a ser como njoan, a ver si con mas tiempo libre, me da para apuntarme a las clases o al menos entrenar Grin
02/10/24 22:50 tangovalens: elrisas llévese 3 y pague 3
02/10/24 06:53 Marcos Z.: Economía de escala en estado puro Grin
02/10/24 00:32 Maxxis: Setup para el MRT subido y tuto vuelta Enlace
01/10/24 23:29 Maxxis: Doy clases a 20€ la hora, resultados garantizados. 1 clase 20€, 2 clases 40€ , 3 clases 60€ oferta especial
CESAV Regulations
CESAV 2024 normative. Clic on each item to expand its items.

1. - Introduction

1.1You must read and accept these rules in order to participate in this community.
1.2Ignorance of these rules does not exempt from compliance.
1.3Failure to comply with CESAV rules shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including exclusion from the community.

2. - Eligibility requirements

2.1Your profile information must be complete and up to date
2.2You must always behave properly, be it on our website, Team Speak, Discord or official servers (either training or races).
2.3Your internet connection must allow for lag-free participation
2.4You need to properly sign-up for the race
2.5Drivers will not be allowed to participate in a race without a minimum of on-track practice. Therefore, it is necessary to set a minimum mark of 106% of the best lap time to be allowed to participate in the race. Drivers who cannot reach this mark will be allowed after they complete a minimum of 30 laps on the #Q server.

3. - Teams and Drivers

3.1Those interested in participating, either independently or as members of a team, should register on the website and then sign-up for each event.
3.2Team candidates must submit an application to the team they would like to join in the teams section.
3.3Driver limits per team.
Minimum: 2
Maximum team members: unlimited
Maximum team participants in CESAV: 10
Only the 2 best drivers of each team will add points to their team score.
3.4If a driver leaves a team for whatever reason, he may join another team or continue solo.
3.5Leaving one team to join another, or continuing solo, will not affect the driver's personal score.

4. - Skins and Start-Number

4.1Skins with threatening, racist content are forbidden on our servers. Uploading them in the forums section or posting screenshots of such content is also forbidden.
4.2We recommend drivers to wear a skin with the official start-number decal of the current season (the full decal, not just the number) when in an official race. Also, remember to upload the newly generated skin to the LFS website so that it is visible during the race.
4.3The official start-number of the current season is uploaded on the skin generator. You can generate your team's livery with your start-number there, or just the decal with the start-number which you can paste into the skin of your preference.

5. - Servers

5.1We have several servers that are published in the servers section of the web
5.2The server to be used for each race will be announced on the sign-ups page, once the divisions (if any) are published
5.3Server password will be published once the sign-up is closed. If there is more than one division, each division shall have its ownserver and password
5.4Disclosing a server password to anyone who has not signed-up for an event is strictly forbidden
5.5CESAV has a 15-slot PRIVATE PRE-QUALIFYING server which is used to establish race divisions in case more than 32 drivers sign-up for an event.
5.6We also have a public server that we use for free-practice, or to hold short races with people from outside and interact on the track, too

6. - Scoring and Awards

6.1Those scoring the most points in all the races held throughout a season shall be proclaimed winners of the drivers' championship and teams' championship. The final score shall be obtained deducting discard-races and applying the corresponding prizes and penalties.
6.2Final score in two-leg races is the average of the points obtained in each leg. Unless otherwise stated all two-leg races are reverse grid on second leg.
6.3A scoring system is established whereby drivers earn points based on their division.
The scores will be as follows: (Example 20 per division)
1st Division
1st 150
2nd 147
3rd 144
4th 141
5th 138
.. .etc etc etc 3 by 3.
19th OUT
20th OUT

2nd Division. The winner of the second division will obtain the points of the last classified in the first division, minus 3 points
The drivers who finish the race or the drivers who have completed more than 75% of the laps will score points (always rounded up, example, 43.1 laps, you must complete 44) (unless they are penalized for breaking any other rule)
6.4Driver Awards

In 1st division
+5,+3,+1 for the podium (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place respectively)

+3 points per pole. (Pre-qualification or qualification on race day)

+2 points per fastest lap in each leg in all divisions.

Divisions different than 1st
+3,+2,+1 for the podium (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place respectively)

+1 points per pole. (Pre-qualification or pre-qualification on race day)

+1 point per fastest lap in each leg

Team Awards
There are no team awards.
6.5Only the 2 drivers with the best result in each race will score points for their team
6.6Discards: A race result is discardable as long as you have not been disqualified for commiting a serious offence against the regulations. Prizes and penalties awarded in a race are never discarded

7. - Ties

7.1For the grill:

Best lap time

Date of that lap (whoever did it before, goes first)
7.2In the general classification:

Highest score in the General classification.

Most wins.

Most 2nd place, 3rd place, 4th place, etc.

Number of races playedBest lap time

Date of that lap (whoever did it before, goes first)

8. - On Track

8.1preQualification and Race
8.1.1It is forbidden to remain at any point on the track with the car stopped, either due to an accident (overturning, gasoline, getting stuck, etc.) or even parking. It will be allowed to stand still to rejoin the track, or to avoid a situation that involves greater risk when moving. Example: I spin in the middle of the track and the entire pack of cars arrives from behind
8.1.2Forbidden to block messages in the chat, because if they do they will not be able to see the messages of the commissioners / administrators
8.1.3It is forbidden to cross the yellow line (or white in some cases) at the exit of the box with at least one wheel. If you are allowed to step on it. The norm is for both sides, both the inner and outer lines. If somewhere there was no line but there is grass or something else, the boundary of the asphalt with the grass would be the line
8.1.4Forbidden to cut off under any circumstances. It is considered a short cut to not keep at least 1 wheel inside the track (the different curbs are also part of the track). Errors will not be penalized. The administration may take into account the recidivism, if it is a complex area where an error can cause going off track and stopping or similar situations. The sanctions will be applied automatically, and will only be withdrawn by appealing each claim.
8.1.5It is totally forbidden to talk (except administrators/commissioners to carry out their duties), smileys, "I'm sorry" or anything that implies the use of chat, until the session is over. The end of the session is marked by a chat message generated by the InSim (or by a marshal in case of InSim failure)
8.1.6It is recommended that all drivers record the replay corresponding to qualifying and the race, in case there is no replay, the race will be given as disputed, without anyone finishing any lap
8.1.7The pit lane, in the part common to the track, can be used by any driver, as long as said lane is not being used by a driver leaving the pits or outside the track (the case of Kyoto). In the event of a driver coming out of the pits through said lane, the driver who leaves is the one who has priority to pass (or use) said lane. In the event of a box exit without a lane on the track, preference will be given to the rider coming from the track, and the rider leaving the box must give way.
8.2.1During the previous qualification or pre-Qualification, it is NOT allowed to ESC+BOX (or similar) and return to the track (you have to stay in the spectator, if you go out on the track by mistake there is a 5-second margin to return to the spectator). Yes, it is allowed to stop in the box entering through its respective lane
8.2.2In the event of any eventuality that does not allow us to continue qualifying (for example, overturning, without gasoline, etc…) we will go to the spectator stage, not being able to continue the prequalification
8.2.3Once the pre-qualification session is over, we can do ESC+BOX and the riders who have overturned or gone out of the limits of the track can go out on the track.
8.2.4The qualifying or pre-qualifying laps will have to be clean, without any kind of shortcut
8.2.5In the event that a driver loses the connection with the server during the pre-qualification process, he will be able to re-enter the server remaining as a spectator.
8.3.2The duration of the race will be determined in the registration of the same
8.3.3In the event that a pilot loses the connection with the server during the development of the race, he will be able to return to it, the insim will restore the laps done.
8.3.4Total respect towards the other runners, not trying to make impossible overtaking, and/or cause accidents
8.3.5Repeated change of direction is not allowed, to save position or avoid slipstream of the one chasing you. Only 1 change of direction is allowed to defend, and another to return to the optimal race line (as long as the driver behind has not matched any part of our car)
8.3.6In Race, the drivers are obliged to stop in the pits, at least, the times stipulated for each race
8.3.7The entry lane to the boxes will remain closed during the last lap of the race, and in no case can the race finish inside the box. This is so unless the cup regulations expressly indicate otherwise.
8.3.8It is totally forbidden to help another car to finish the race. This includes towing another car, turning it over or putting it right and the like.
8.3.9If your car is undrivable, it is advisable to enter the spectator mode ending your participation in the race, if you continue in it and cause incidents on the track, it is your responsibility and assuming that you can be sanctioned
8.3.10It is not allowed to hit from behind repeatedly, or to gain time
8.3.11It is not allowed to deliberately delay the end of the race, finishing the race at a reduced speed without justification. Example: Intentional spins to waste time, accelerate and/or brake where it does not belong
8.3.12Everyone must be on track before the race starts. Those who remain in spectator can lose the position of the grid without being able to recover it
8.4.1BLUE FLAG: We must facilitate the overtaking of the driver who is going to overtake us as soon as possible, either by taking his foot off the accelerator and/or moving away from the good line, until you complete the overtaking. Before the THIRD braking point from the notification of the blue flag, the driver being lapped must give up his position. In no case will a driver be allowed to overtake when a blue flag has been given. The blue flag is automatic and therefore the driver furthest behind will always see it first, so there is no possible mistake. If you see a blue flag you will not be able to overtake until the driver in front of you has also been lapped. It is added that apart from facilitating overtaking, we must not bother the pilot who is lapping us, leaving him the track and above all the good free line. That you do not have to be aware of the bending to continue your career.
8.4.2YELLOW FLAG: We must drive with caution, since it implies an abnormal circumstance of the race in front of us, such as an accident or a car traveling abnormally slowly. It is not allowed to overtake cars not involved in the accident/problem
8.5.1All drivers must have an internet connection that allows running without lag
8.5.2It will be taken into account in the analysis of all the maneuvers analyzed

9. - Sanctions

9.1Automatic LFS. They must be strictly fulfilled before the end of the event.
9.2Claims module. We always recommend its use, being necessary for the proper functioning of the community. They must always be presented before 0:00 (Spanish time) the day after the end of the race. The administration will study all claims and apply the corresponding sanctions
9.3Appeals. Any pilot sanctioned may appeal the decision during the 48 hours following the resolution of the sanction, being necessary to provide their corresponding explanation to appeal as well as all the evidence considered appropriate.
9.5In addition to the table of sanctions defined in the previous point of this regulation, the administration reserves the right to sanction any pilot even without a prior complaint, applying the sanction it deems appropriate, even modifying the predefined sanctions if they are considered aggravating or mitigating factors that are not considered important for a correct resolution of the incident.

10. - Race stewarts

10.1The stewarts will be chosen race by race automatically. These will be in charge of the correct development of the race, with access to different race InSim commands
10.2Anyone who has run 8 official races, whether they are leagues or official CESAV cups, can be a stewart
10.3It will not be possible to be a marshal for 2 consecutive races of the same championship, unless there are no other candidates who meet the previous requirement.
10.4The stewarts are obliged to comply with the obligations indicated in this post (Link), and may be sanctioned otherwise


CESAV ©2009-2024
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